These days most men dont have good strong Islamic values but I am proud to have following qualities Virginity, Honesty, Sympathy, Loving, Truth, Caring, Pious, Virtuous. Earning Halal Income,

Virgin_Saint: virginsaint...
Buscando: Hembra Edad 18 a 35
Estado: 49 Nunca casado Sin respuesta Masculino
Interés en: Matrimonio
Etnicidad asiático
Vivo: Vivir con padres
Eye Catcher: Ojos
Altura: 5'6 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Promedio
Pelo ojos: Negro, marrón
Fumar: Fumar de vez en cuando
Beber: Nunca lo toques
Ejercicio 2 veces a la semana
Política: Ninguna
Educación: Alguna educación superior
Religión: Islam
Ingresos: Menos de $15,000
Ocupación: Unemployed
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Tímido
País: Pakistan

These days most men dont have good strong Islamic values but I am proud to have following qualities Virginity, Honesty, Sympathy, Loving, Truth, Caring, Pious, Virtuous. Earning Halal Income, Simple, Very shy in approaching to girls, Well mannered, Obedient to elders and I love children. Having patience in life. I always want to gain TAQWAArunning away from sins in my life.
I belong to a religious and educated family. I believe in Islamic principles. I am sincere person with good family and religious values. IN VERSE NO. 26 OF SURAH NOOR IN HOLY QURAN, IT IS MENTIONED "Vile women for vile men, and vile men for vile women; and virtuous women for virtuous men, and virtuous men for virtuous women; such are innocent of what these people say; for them are forgiveness, and an honorable sustenance." I have kept in my mind THE ABOVE VERSE OF SURAH NOOR during all my life to be a virtuous. Therefore, in my whole life, I did not keep any kind of contact or relation with females girlfriend, ordinary friend etc. because Islam is not only an identity card for me but Islam is my life. In terms of male and female relationships I have no past.

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