I am an well educated Chinese gentleman. I have great passion to make my career greatly and to work hard. I am eager to get married with a beautiful American lady. I have met some American ladies

Luhero: looking for a perfect marriage...
Buscando: Hembra Edad 28 a 44
Estado: 42 Nunca casado Derecho Masculino
Interés en: Matrimonio
Etnicidad asiático
Vivo: Vivir solo
Eye Catcher: Sin respuesta
Altura: 5'10 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Promedio
Pelo ojos: Sin respuesta, marrón
Fumar: Fumar de vez en cuando
Beber: De vez en cuando
Ejercicio 4 veces a la semana
Política: Sin respuesta
Educación: Diploma de graduación
Religión: Sin preferencias
Ingresos: $45,001 a $65,000
Ocupación: Computer Engineer
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Saliente
País: China

I am an well educated Chinese gentleman. I have great passion to make my career greatly and to work hard.
I am eager to get married with a beautiful American lady.
I have met some American ladies in Beijing, China. These American ladies got married with Chinese gentlemen. These American ladies have perfect jobs in China and live a happy life in China.
The Chinese people highly appreciate these American women!
I also met some Chinese gentlemen who got married with American ladies. These Chinese gentlemen and their wives live in USA , they have happy life.
These ChineseAmerican families have great advantage both in society and in family life. These family members promote the friendship, the culture exchange and the development of science; furthermore, they enjoy happy life for many years.
I hope to marry a graceful American lady.

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