Individual Female en Luxembourg, , solteros en Diekirch, koerich Female

Lovebae: very nice...
Buscando: Masculino Edad 60 a 88
Estado: 43 Divorciado Derecho Hembra
Interés en: Compañero de actividades
Etnicidad Blanco/Caucásico
Vivo: Sin hogar
Eye Catcher: Brazos
Altura: 5'5 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Flaco
Pelo ojos: Afro, Negro
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: Nunca lo toques
Ejercicio 2 veces a la semana
Política: Ninguna
Educación: Deserción escolar
Religión: Agnóstico
Ingresos: Menos de $15,000
Ocupación: Financial Service
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Aventurero
País: Luxembourg

How are you doing, and how is work, I hope everything is going on beautiful well... And how has life been treating such an Angel like you, My Dear, thanks so much for your kind, nice and sincere Email, I really like and appreciate it so so much... youre really so handsome and charming, and I bet all the women in your area would have been knocking down your door by now and also fallen at your feet.. LOL, if not I guess maybe God blinded them all so I could actually be the only lucky one to notice the precious beauty that lies within your kind heart and that I see not only in your face and charming smiles but mostly in the beauty of your heart..