Grown in a family of 7 children second born and first to reach University and currently doing Bachelors in Business Administration at Uganda Christian Unversity We 5stay together as sibllings in two

Akevin: iam i of your rib...
Buscando: Masculino Edad 30 a 43
Estado: 30 Soltero Derecho Hembra
Interés en: Matrimonio
Etnicidad Negro/africano
Vivo: Vivir con padres
Eye Catcher: Ojos
Altura: 5'5 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Promedio
Pelo ojos: Afro, Negro
Fumar: De ninguna manera
Beber: Nunca lo toques
Ejercicio A veces
Política: Ninguna
Educación: licenciatura
Religión: cristiano
Ingresos: Menos de $15,000
Ocupación: Administrator
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Saliente
País: Uganda

Grown in a family of 7 children second born and first to reach University and currently doing Bachelors in Business Administration at Uganda Christian Unversity We 5stay together as sibllings in two bedroom apartment in Kampala
I would love to bring pride to my parents by having a partner who values the contribution of my parents to my life and contribution of my sibilligs to my joy

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