well am not that much OK all thesame my name is john was born and brought up in a Christian family i was once married but divorced already wee i can say that life is so difficult while single i need

Johnbarly: am not only kind but am loving too...
Buscando: Hembra Edad 40 a 70
Estado: 61 Divorciado Derecho Masculino
Interés en: Matrimonio
Etnicidad Blanco/Caucásico
Vivo: Sin hogar
Eye Catcher: Brazos
Altura: 5'5 pulgadas
Cuerpo: Flaco
Pelo ojos: Afro, Negro
Fumar: Sin respuesta
Beber: Nunca lo toques
Ejercicio 2 veces a la semana
Política: Ninguna
Educación: Deserción escolar
Religión: Agnóstico
Ingresos: $25,001 a $45,000
Ocupación: Contractor
Descendencia: Ninguna
Personalidad: Sin respuesta
País: United States

well am not that much OK all thesame my name is john was born and brought up in a Christian family i was once married but divorced already wee i can say that life is so difficult while single i need a nice woman in my life

Any One